About me…

Always the multi-tasker, here I am fishing for men while trout fishing in booty shorts. After yet another failed little “fling” of seeing someone for a while and then breaking it off because it wasn’t the healthiest of situations, I found myself yet again extremely single. I believe “single AF” is the term the young kids are using. I decided it was time to put all my trials and errors of dating, what the f*** am I doing moments, and experiences being a strong, outspoken and successful 30-something tying to find love in “the OC” (yes I just called it that) out for you all to enjoy. I might even throw in here some of my awkward moments and ordeals of being a female boss in an ice cream manufacturing plant full of men where I am lovingly referred to as the nag, bitch, mom, honey badger, la diabla … and I could go on.

Aside from this blog being sort of a therapeutic release for me that was years in the making,  I do think (and hope) that whoever is reading this will either get some good belly laughs out of it or relate to it in one way or another… or both. I tend to think and act like a man sometimes so I think the fellas will get some kicks out of this too. Really anyone who has participated in the wonderful world of online dating will feel something when reading this blog. Lastly, since my life, or at least the dating part of it, seems to operate according some weird, painfully ironic law, I figure that once I really get into this blog I will find the man of my dreams who actually wants to put up with me and I’ll have to give it up. We shall see……